Promises of God, Hope, Prophetic Word for 2020, Faith, Believe

The Promises of God Are Near

A few months ago, I had a dream in which God said to me, “the promises of God are near.” This statement has been ringing in my spirit ever since. As I have prayed and sought God, I believe we are in a season of harvest where we will begin to see many of the promises that God has spoken over us come to pass. Many promises that we have been waiting on for a long time, promises that we have forgotten about, and things that we think God has forgotten about or will no longer do, God says, He will do in this season.

In the dream, I was also directed to Genesis 8:18 which says, “So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him.”  That passage, Genesis 8:1-19, is titled, ‘Noah’s Deliverance’ and verse 1 starts off by saying, “Then God remembered Noah…and all that were with him in the ark.” In this season, God is remembering His faithful ones and He is remembering the promises He has made to us. Now is the time for many of those promises to manifest. Now is the time to shake off any doubt and unbelief, pain, regret, and disappointment from previous seasons. God’s word to you is being manifested now! We are in a time of harvest. Even as the year 2019 is coming to an end, I strongly believe that there are things and promises God will perform in our lives before the year 2020 even begins. And for some of you reading this, He has already begun to do some miraculous things. The promises of God are not just near, but they are here! They are NOW! Do you believe it?

Continue reading “The Promises of God Are Near”

Peace In God’s Presence

For the last few weeks, the word peace has been in my Spirit. Every time I would ask God what He wanted me to write about this month, He would say “peace.” I didn’t completely understand what aspect of peace He wanted me to write from, but as I waited, prayed, and spent time in His presence, He made it clearer.

As we all know, there is so much taking place in the world and in the church right now, there are many things being discussed on social media that’s causing much debate and division even among believers. There are many things pulling for our attention, and many things seeking to distract us. Sadly, things are not going to get better, things will only intensify in the coming weeks, months, and years. As the Bible has prophesied, many events will take place before the coming of our Lord. There will also be a great falling away in the church (2 Thess. 2:3), which is slowly taking place before our eyes. Events are taking place all over the world to set the stage for the coming of The Lord.

In a time like this, we have to make sure that we are connected to God, we have to make sure that we are not distracted by all the noise of the world and the things taking place in our personal lives. We have to make sure that we’re truly in tune to the Spirit of God. There are many things vying for our attention, our devotion, and our time. And while we should be discerning, alert, and aware of what’s going on around us, we also have to make sure that our resting place is in the presence of God. We all have to make our home is in His presence.

Continue reading “Peace In God’s Presence”
What does the Bible say about dating?

Is Dating Biblical?

To date or not to date? To have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not to have one? What is God’s view on dating (and boyfriends and girlfriends) and what does the Bible have to say about all of this?

From Genesis to Revelation, you see three (3) types of (romantic) relationships: Single, engaged (also known as betrothed), and married. We do not see dating in scripture or anything like it. The only place where we see something similar to dating mentioned is in John 4:18 when Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman and He told her that the man she was with now was not her husband – it was exposure and a rebuke for being with someone she wasn’t married to.

Some might argue that in that time period and culture, things were different, so dating was not at all acceptable. That’s true, however, when you read the word of God and see God’s standards for how we should live in our bodies, how we should relate to and treat one another, and the topic of sexual immorality, it points to a Kingdom culture and standard that debunks dating as we know it today.

Continue reading “Is Dating Biblical?”
What is my purpose?, purpose

What Is My Purpose?

What is my purpose? People ask this question a lot nowadays. It seems like everyone, both in and out of the church, is trying to discover their life’s purpose. That’s great, and I do believe that God has a purpose for allowing each of us to come into this world, I believe He has things that He wants each of us to do on the earth and He knows the plans that He laid out for each individual person. I also believe that until a person fully surrenders their life to God, they won’t fully walk out the plans that God has for them.

Purpose is an awesome thing and we all want to live life with purpose; we all want to live full and fulfilled lives and do things that we love. However, I also believe that what we in the church today have defined and labeled as “purpose” is not purpose but assignment(s) and sometimes gifts He has given us to carry out those assignments. Christians often say things like, my purpose is to be a teacher, a preacher, to be a millionaire, a wife, a prophet, a lawyer, a businessman/woman, to travel the world and preach, etc. But in actuality, according to the Word of God, those things are not our purpose, those things are our assignments. When you are in Christ and called according to HIS purpose (see Rom. 8:28), those things can’t be our purpose because they aren’t HIS PURPOSE, they are assignments.

Continue reading “What Is My Purpose?”
husband and wife from God, husband, wife, marriage, Godly relationships

I Believe God Told Me Who My Husband Is – Pt. 2

A few years ago, I wrote a post titled I Believe God Told Me Who My Husband Is, about what to do when you think God has shown you who your husband will be and how to discern if it’s just your flesh. The post has gotten a lot of traffic, many comments and I have received many emails with stories and questions. I’ve gone through some of the comments and have heard many stories from different people about this topic, some good, some not so good. This is a topic that isn’t talked about much but so many people (males and females) go through it and don’t quite know what to do. In this post, I will tackle a few more commonly asked questions and situations that I have come across. I pray that it brings even greater clarity and it helps many discern if their flesh has been deceiving them. Continue reading “I Believe God Told Me Who My Husband Is – Pt. 2”

Overcoming Disappointment

Happy New Year!! It’s officially 2019 and the first month of the year has come and gone pretty fast! I hope your new year started off great, and if it didn’t you still 11 months to make it right. For the first blog post of the year, God has really placed on my heart to talk about disappointment and how to overcome it. In fact, I was considering another topic but God confirmed a few times that this was what He wanted me to write about this month, so I know someone needs to be encouraged in this area, especially as we go into this new year. My hope is that this post helps you to identify the source of your disappointment, overcome it, and give you strength to hope again. Continue reading “Overcoming Disappointment”

How to Guard Your Heart

My heart breaks to see so many women (and men) of God go in and out of bad relationships that leave them broken and confused. I hear so many stories of people of God going from relationship to relationship and getting the same outcome that the world gets in their relationships. I believe that as people of God we have an advantage that the world does not have, and we can easily avoid getting into these situations. We serve a God that knows all and sees all. He knows the deepest things of our heart that even we don’t know, and He sees what is truly in every person’s heart. Our God is more than capable of forewarning us about someone before we enter a relationship with them or simply telling us that we are not ready. Continue reading “How to Guard Your Heart”

Another Yes

From time to time in my walk with God, I’m faced with some major tests and situations that require a lot out of me. These aren’t regular tests and trials, these are major, major situations that sometimes knock me down and takes time to recover from. In these situations, I’m always faced with a choice: I can choose to keep going and keep saying “YES” to God no matter how bad it hurts or how bad things seem, or I can stop saying yes to God and become stagnant and stale or backslide altogether. Continue reading “Another Yes”

God’s Purpose For Relationships

Last week I got the chance to be a guest speaker on Right to R.E.A.L. Love Podcast, I spoke on the topic of ‘God’s Purpose For Relationships.’ I believe it’s so important to know God’s purpose for bringing two people together in marriage and His purpose for establishing relationships altogether. Sometimes we want something, but we don’t know God’s intended purpose for that thing. And when we don’t know the purpose of something it’s easy to misuse and abuse it. Continue reading “God’s Purpose For Relationships”

While I’m Waiting

I often get a lot of emails from women asking me questions along the lines of “what do I do while I’m single and waiting for God to bring my husband?” These questions are often from women who have recently decided to stop dating and are now waiting on God concerning a spouse and/or those who want a quick fix way to God releasing their husband to them. Some of the questions are from those who genuinely want to honor God through their singleness and others from those who may just want to find answers to quickly end their singleness in a “godly” way. Continue reading “While I’m Waiting”