Bible Verses for Identity

Identity is defined as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is, the distinguishing character or personality of an individual.

It’s very important that we know, understand, and are rooted in our identity as children of God. The identity of a thing speaks to the nature (characteristics) and the source of that thing. Our identity as children of God distinguishes us as people who are godly (nature) and people who belong to God (source).

When we don’t understand our identity in Christ, we will take on false identities and therefore live in a way that contradicts who God says we are. Since many believers don’t know their identity in Christ and are still holding on to false identities from their past, they have a hard time walking in the new man, they have a hard time believing what God says about them in His Word. Knowing your identity in Christ is the difference between living as a victim vs. living victoriously; it’s the difference between living as an orphan vs. living like an heir.

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News // June 30 Day Bible Reading Challenge

For the month of June Heart of Worship Ministry will be having a 30 Day Bible Reading Challenge!

God speaks to us in many powerful ways, but the main way He speaks to us is through His Word. The Word is the means by which we judge (or test) everything we receive in the spirit. Without the Word of God, we cannot judge things correctly.

Join me for this 30 Day Bible Reading Challenge where we will be reading and studying the Word of God for 30 consecutive days through the month of June.

The Lord placed this challenge on my heart just two days ago right after our last (Heart of Worship Ministry) Bible Study. It’s often said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, well I believe that as we discipline ourselves to read the Word for these 30 days that we will develop a new habit of reading the Word consistently and a new love for God’s Word.

This is Heart of Worship Ministry’s very first challenge and I’m excited to see how God will move through it!

What you read during these 30 days is completely up to you. Allow the Lord to lead you on what to read. I will post weekly check-ins and reminders on the ministry’s Facebook group.

If you’d like to find out more about Heart of Worship Ministry or join our Facebook group, you can do so at this link: Heart of Worship Ministry

Below is a Calendar (pdf) that you can download, print, and use to track what you read each day.


  1. Read and study at least 1 chapter of the Bible every day from June 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021. (I also encourage you to pray the Scriptures — pray what you read).
  2. What you read is completely up to you. Let the Lord lead you on what to read. (Be sure to journal what you learn and what the Lord shows you as you read).
  3. Keep track of what you read each day using the calendar below. You can download and print the pdf. (You are free to use a different calendar or method of keeping track).
  4. I will do a weekly check-in in the Facebook group on Tuesdays to see how everyone is doing.
  5. If you’re in the Facebook group, leave a comment below the weekly check-in posts to tell us how you’re doing and share anything God has been doing/showing you through this challenge.

Download and print the Calendar pdf here:

Valentine’s Day Encouragement + Bible Verses

Happy New Year! I know it’s February, but this is my first official blog post of 2021, so I wanted to start by wishing you all a Happy New Year. I hope this year is going well for you so far and I hope you’re staying safe.  

During this Valentine’s weekend, The Lord placed on my heart to write a blog post with scriptures to encourage those who may be feeling down on this holiday. Although this is a day to celebrate love, we know that this can be a difficult time for many, for various reasons. Some of you may be single and wondering when your time for marriage will come, some of you may have recently gone through a broken engagement, some of you may be married but unhappy in your marriage, some of you may be divorced, and some of you may be widowed. No matter your relationship status, God wants you to know that He loves you, He sees you, and He will comfort you and see you through this time. I pray that this blog post is a source of hope and strength for you no matter how you are feeling this holiday.    

Continue reading “Valentine’s Day Encouragement + Bible Verses”

Bible Verses for Overcoming the Spirit of Fear

With so much going on in the world right now, many people are dealing with the spirit of fear and anxiety. I want to share a short word of encouragement and some Bible verses to help us all fight against the spirit of fear. You may be fearful about how this pandemic is affecting your life and uncertain about what tomorrow brings, or you may be dealing with fear concerning other parts of your life. I want to remind you that you were not created to be overcome by fear. God’s perfect love casts out ALL fear (1 John 4:18) and He has given you power to tell the spirit of fear to leave! (As you read this and meditate on these Bible verses, think of the areas where you are dealing with fear and allow God’s perfect love to cast it out!)

Some of the ways that fear manifests itself is by paralyzing you, causing you to see and believe things that aren’t there, preventing you from making a decision or causing you to make the wrong decision, and throwing off your thinking pattern. It’s hard to see God when your mind and eyes are clouded by fear. Fear almost caused Moses to reject the call of God on his life. Fear caused the children of Israel to yearn for their familiar life of slavery and wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Fear is not something that should be taken lightly, it should be attacked and dealt with aggressively because it can hinder us in so many ways.

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Bible verses about hope, bible verses about hope in hard times, bible verses with the word hope,

Bible Verses for When You Need Hope

God’s word is full of hope for every situation that we face. Sometimes discouragement, disappointment, delay, fear, doubt, and worry can take away our hope, our confident expectation, in God or in the promises that He has made to us.

Below are 22 Bible verses for when you are feeling hopeless or when you feel like your hope is decreasing. If you can put our hope in anything, it’s in God and in His word. You can confidently hope in God, confidently hope in His word, confidently hope in His promises to you, and confidently hope that He will keep you through any and every situation. Most importantly, you can confidently hope in the promise of eternity with God.

If you are in a situation and you’re unsure of God’s will concerning it, seek God diligently about the situation and put your hope in what He says. If you’re losing hope concerning specific promises that God has said to you in the past, go back and recall those promises to mind; meditate on them, ask God to confirm them if need be, and war with each prophetic word you have ever received (1 Tim. 1:18)! Remind yourself of what God has said then remind yourself that God is not a man that He should lie (Num. 23:19). God will not leave you to be ashamed concerning any situation! He will not abandon or forsake you. Put your hope (your confidence) completely in Him.

Continue reading “Bible Verses for When You Need Hope”
Bible verses for peace

Bible Verses For When You Need Peace

Peace. The peace of God is a promise and an inheritance to His children. In this chaotic world that we live in, it’s easy to let the cares of life overtake us and lose our peace. But the Bible tells us that if we keep our mind on Christ, He will give us perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). This means He’ll give us a peace that lacks nothing, a peace that is able to take us through and keep us in ANY situation. When we take our eyes off of Jesus, we will have no peace, but when we fix our eyes on Him, we will have peace like a river.

There is POWER in God’s word to give us what we need in every situation. There is no situation so great that you can’t rest in the peace of God. The thing about peace is that you must choose it. You must choose to receive GOD’S PEACE. You must choose to believe that God is with you, that He sees you, that He cares, and that every situation is in His hands. His peace is available to you and He cares for you.

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Bible Verses about Sexual Sin, How to overcome sexual immorality

Bible Verses for Overcoming Sexual Sin

Sexual immorality – lust, perversion, masturbation, pornography, fornication, sex dreams, etc. – we’ve all experienced it in one form or the other. Earlier on in my walk with the Lord, I have personally dealt with sexual immorality in different ways. Although I remained a virgin until marriage, I dealt with lust and masturbation which of course led to sex dreams and fantasies. I had to first acknowledge that it was a problem and that it was a sin before God before I could be delivered from it. Even though I wasn’t having sex, it was still not pleasing to God. My deliverance came in many stages and it took A LOT of self-denial. There were times where it seemed like I took 2 steps forward only to go 4 steps back. It was tough and it took some time for me to fully get free, but I did eventually get free by the grace of God.

There came a point that I got sick and tired of getting beat up by the enemy and giving in to my flesh, so I started to deal with the issue head-on. One of the main things that helped me to overcome was finding Bible verses about the topic and using them to fight. I would write them down, memorize them, meditate on them, and recite them especially when the temptation arose. I learned to war with the word of God and pray the word of God over my mind, my emotions, my body, my soul, and against the fiery darts of the enemy. Some days the battle was so intense that I would have to recite them to myself while looking at myself in the mirror. There were even times that I would have to recite them every day, several times a day, and especially before bed.

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