Committing My Plans to The Lord in 2023

2023 is upon us! I don’t know about you, but it feels like these last few years have flown by!

Last Thursday at our Fellowship Night meeting we did an end-of-year activity to set our goals for 2023 and commit them to the Lord. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.” The NIV says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

So often we make our New Year resolutions but forget to include God in the planning. Over the years, I’ve learned that when I include God in my plans and commit them to Him through consistent prayer and fasting, He helps me accomplish them through gentle reminders and even divine insight and help. God makes all the difference in everything that we do. What I love about this activity is that it incorporates asking God for your word/verse for the new year and a verse for each category of goals. When it comes to our plans, the word of God must be our foundation and inspiration. The word and Spirit of God will keep us going when we feel like giving up.

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Peace In God’s Presence

For the last few weeks, the word peace has been in my Spirit. Every time I would ask God what He wanted me to write about this month, He would say “peace.” I didn’t completely understand what aspect of peace He wanted me to write from, but as I waited, prayed, and spent time in His presence, He made it clearer.

As we all know, there is so much taking place in the world and in the church right now, there are many things being discussed on social media that’s causing much debate and division even among believers. There are many things pulling for our attention, and many things seeking to distract us. Sadly, things are not going to get better, things will only intensify in the coming weeks, months, and years. As the Bible has prophesied, many events will take place before the coming of our Lord. There will also be a great falling away in the church (2 Thess. 2:3), which is slowly taking place before our eyes. Events are taking place all over the world to set the stage for the coming of The Lord.

In a time like this, we have to make sure that we are connected to God, we have to make sure that we are not distracted by all the noise of the world and the things taking place in our personal lives. We have to make sure that we’re truly in tune to the Spirit of God. There are many things vying for our attention, our devotion, and our time. And while we should be discerning, alert, and aware of what’s going on around us, we also have to make sure that our resting place is in the presence of God. We all have to make our home is in His presence.

Continue reading “Peace In God’s Presence”

What 2018 Has Taught Me

I can’t believe 2018 is just about over. This year went by pretty fast. As I reflect on this year and everything that has taken place, all I can do is be grateful to God for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Overall this year has been a pretty good year for me. Everything that I wanted to happen didn’t happen, but major prayers were answered, I experienced growth in some areas and healing in other areas. God has been good, and He has been with my husband and I every step of the way. 2016 was a very rough year for me where I had to press past a lot of difficult situations and went through some very intense fire. So 2018 has been a year of continued healing and restoration from 2017 and it’s been a year of God reminding me over and over that His promises are yes and amen even after a very trying season. Continue reading “What 2018 Has Taught Me”

Victorious Living

Victory is defined as the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist; achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties; a win over an opponent or over difficult problems. There’s no doubt that God has called us to live victoriously. He has called us to be victorious over Satan our enemy, over sin, over our own flesh, and victorious in life overall. But if you look at the state of many in the church, you would think that it’s normal to fall into the same sins over and over for years, to have one foot in God and the other foot in the world, to be double-minded, to proclaim Christ but never really grow to look like Him, and to constantly feel defeated by the enemy. Continue reading “Victorious Living”

Grace to Soar!

Sometimes on my birthday, The Lord will give me a word to meditate and stand on for the new year of my life. It had been a couple of years since He gave me a word on my birthday, but this past June when I was celebrating my 28th birthday the Lord gave me the word GRACE. He had me to really meditate on the past few years of my life and everything that took place during those years. Continue reading “Grace to Soar!”

A Transformed Life

We live in a time where everyone holds the title of Christian but unfortunately many don’t know what that truly means. What it really means to be a Christian has been watered down by bad preaching, bad examples, false interpretation of scripture, and the mixture of the holy and the profane. Fortunately, regardless of how people falsely portray Christianity (whether intentionally or unintentionally), the true meaning of Christianity and salvation doesn’t change in God’s eyes. When we stand before God, we will give an account of our lives to Him based on HIS STANDARDS, not on man’s warped standards. No matter how much man has tried to taint it, true Christianity will always be according to God’s standard. Continue reading “A Transformed Life”

Another Yes

From time to time in my walk with God, I’m faced with some major tests and situations that require a lot out of me. These aren’t regular tests and trials, these are major, major situations that sometimes knock me down and takes time to recover from. In these situations, I’m always faced with a choice: I can choose to keep going and keep saying “YES” to God no matter how bad it hurts or how bad things seem, or I can stop saying yes to God and become stagnant and stale or backslide altogether. Continue reading “Another Yes”

Focus on Worship

So many things come to take our attention and steal our focus from The Lord. Life can throw many things at us that cause fear, worry, doubt, hopelessness, anxiety and more. Throughout my years of walking with The Lord, I’ve gone through many seasons of highs and lows. It was in one of my darkest seasons that God taught me how to focus on worshiping Him in spite of my circumstances, how to worship Him through the pain, through the tears, through the persecution, the misunderstanding, the disappointments and the embarrassments. Worship is what got me through. Continue reading “Focus on Worship”

But God, What About Me?

Are you in a long season of waiting and wondering if God has forgotten about you and the things He has promised you? Or are you looking around at what He’s doing in the lives of others and wondering, “God what about me?” As God began to download this topic in my spirit, I could sense that some of you are feeling this way. Some of you are wondering where God is, if He will come through, if what He promised will come to pass, and why things seem to be moving for others but not for you. Continue reading “But God, What About Me?”

No Regrets

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great start to your new year. I’m so excited for 2018 and all that God has in store for this year, I truly believe that some great things are going to take place this year. At the beginning and ending of each year I find myself doing a lot of reflecting – I reflect on my life thus far, the previous year, my journey with God thus far and how far He has brought me. Continue reading “No Regrets”