Committing My Plans to The Lord in 2023

2023 is upon us! I don’t know about you, but it feels like these last few years have flown by!

Last Thursday at our Fellowship Night meeting we did an end-of-year activity to set our goals for 2023 and commit them to the Lord. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.” The NIV says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

So often we make our New Year resolutions but forget to include God in the planning. Over the years, I’ve learned that when I include God in my plans and commit them to Him through consistent prayer and fasting, He helps me accomplish them through gentle reminders and even divine insight and help. God makes all the difference in everything that we do. What I love about this activity is that it incorporates asking God for your word/verse for the new year and a verse for each category of goals. When it comes to our plans, the word of God must be our foundation and inspiration. The word and Spirit of God will keep us going when we feel like giving up.

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Bible Verses for Identity

Identity is defined as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is, the distinguishing character or personality of an individual.

It’s very important that we know, understand, and are rooted in our identity as children of God. The identity of a thing speaks to the nature (characteristics) and the source of that thing. Our identity as children of God distinguishes us as people who are godly (nature) and people who belong to God (source).

When we don’t understand our identity in Christ, we will take on false identities and therefore live in a way that contradicts who God says we are. Since many believers don’t know their identity in Christ and are still holding on to false identities from their past, they have a hard time walking in the new man, they have a hard time believing what God says about them in His Word. Knowing your identity in Christ is the difference between living as a victim vs. living victoriously; it’s the difference between living as an orphan vs. living like an heir.

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The Coronavirus and What God is Doing

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during this time. So much is taking place right now, both naturally and spiritually. Due to this pandemic, our lives have been shifted, our plans have been canceled, and almost every sector of society has been temporarily shut down.  

I’m a firm believer that God allows things to happen for a reason. And although this is a very crazy time in our world, God is doing and saying multiple things through this situation.

As I have been watching the news, thinking, hearing other people’s thoughts about what’s going on, but most importantly talking to God and hearing what HE has to say, He put a few things on my heart regarding this pandemic that I want to share with you. I believe that just as in every situation, God is doing multiple things at one time through this coronavirus pandemic.

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Peace In God’s Presence

For the last few weeks, the word peace has been in my Spirit. Every time I would ask God what He wanted me to write about this month, He would say “peace.” I didn’t completely understand what aspect of peace He wanted me to write from, but as I waited, prayed, and spent time in His presence, He made it clearer.

As we all know, there is so much taking place in the world and in the church right now, there are many things being discussed on social media that’s causing much debate and division even among believers. There are many things pulling for our attention, and many things seeking to distract us. Sadly, things are not going to get better, things will only intensify in the coming weeks, months, and years. As the Bible has prophesied, many events will take place before the coming of our Lord. There will also be a great falling away in the church (2 Thess. 2:3), which is slowly taking place before our eyes. Events are taking place all over the world to set the stage for the coming of The Lord.

In a time like this, we have to make sure that we are connected to God, we have to make sure that we are not distracted by all the noise of the world and the things taking place in our personal lives. We have to make sure that we’re truly in tune to the Spirit of God. There are many things vying for our attention, our devotion, and our time. And while we should be discerning, alert, and aware of what’s going on around us, we also have to make sure that our resting place is in the presence of God. We all have to make our home is in His presence.

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Bible Verses about Sexual Sin, How to overcome sexual immorality

Bible Verses for Overcoming Sexual Sin

Sexual immorality – lust, perversion, masturbation, pornography, fornication, sex dreams, etc. – we’ve all experienced it in one form or the other. Earlier on in my walk with the Lord, I have personally dealt with sexual immorality in different ways. Although I remained a virgin until marriage, I dealt with lust and masturbation which of course led to sex dreams and fantasies. I had to first acknowledge that it was a problem and that it was a sin before God before I could be delivered from it. Even though I wasn’t having sex, it was still not pleasing to God. My deliverance came in many stages and it took A LOT of self-denial. There were times where it seemed like I took 2 steps forward only to go 4 steps back. It was tough and it took some time for me to fully get free, but I did eventually get free by the grace of God.

There came a point that I got sick and tired of getting beat up by the enemy and giving in to my flesh, so I started to deal with the issue head-on. One of the main things that helped me to overcome was finding Bible verses about the topic and using them to fight. I would write them down, memorize them, meditate on them, and recite them especially when the temptation arose. I learned to war with the word of God and pray the word of God over my mind, my emotions, my body, my soul, and against the fiery darts of the enemy. Some days the battle was so intense that I would have to recite them to myself while looking at myself in the mirror. There were even times that I would have to recite them every day, several times a day, and especially before bed.

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What does the Bible say about dating?

Is Dating Biblical?

To date or not to date? To have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not to have one? What is God’s view on dating (and boyfriends and girlfriends) and what does the Bible have to say about all of this?

From Genesis to Revelation, you see three (3) types of (romantic) relationships: Single, engaged (also known as betrothed), and married. We do not see dating in scripture or anything like it. The only place where we see something similar to dating mentioned is in John 4:18 when Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman and He told her that the man she was with now was not her husband – it was exposure and a rebuke for being with someone she wasn’t married to.

Some might argue that in that time period and culture, things were different, so dating was not at all acceptable. That’s true, however, when you read the word of God and see God’s standards for how we should live in our bodies, how we should relate to and treat one another, and the topic of sexual immorality, it points to a Kingdom culture and standard that debunks dating as we know it today.

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What is my purpose?, purpose

What Is My Purpose?

What is my purpose? People ask this question a lot nowadays. It seems like everyone, both in and out of the church, is trying to discover their life’s purpose. That’s great, and I do believe that God has a purpose for allowing each of us to come into this world, I believe He has things that He wants each of us to do on the earth and He knows the plans that He laid out for each individual person. I also believe that until a person fully surrenders their life to God, they won’t fully walk out the plans that God has for them.

Purpose is an awesome thing and we all want to live life with purpose; we all want to live full and fulfilled lives and do things that we love. However, I also believe that what we in the church today have defined and labeled as “purpose” is not purpose but assignment(s) and sometimes gifts He has given us to carry out those assignments. Christians often say things like, my purpose is to be a teacher, a preacher, to be a millionaire, a wife, a prophet, a lawyer, a businessman/woman, to travel the world and preach, etc. But in actuality, according to the Word of God, those things are not our purpose, those things are our assignments. When you are in Christ and called according to HIS purpose (see Rom. 8:28), those things can’t be our purpose because they aren’t HIS PURPOSE, they are assignments.

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love of Jesus, How to love Jesus, What does it mean to love Jesus, John 21, Kingdom focus, Peter do you love me verse

Do You Love Me More Than These?

A few weeks ago, I was spending time with God and thinking about my life – the current state of my life, the different parts of my life and the people in it like my husband and our marriage, our church and church family, our natural family, our finances, etc. Then a few questions came to my spirit – which I know were from God: What if these things were to fall apart? What if important people in my life began to leave or fail me? What would be my response to God? Would I run from God and abandon my relationship with Him? Would I become angry and bitter with Him because people I trusted in disappointed me or let me down?

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Jesus, The True Blessing

There’s an old hymn that says, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” This hymn is so beautiful and powerful because it talks about focusing on Jesus instead of the things of this world and the things we go through in this world. I’m noticing more and more lately that people have made serving Jesus about everything else except Jesus. We’ve turned our eyes to everything else in this world other than Him. We are in a time where everyone is trying to “be the best you,” live their best life now, and obtain all that they can obtain through Jesus, but have forgotten that the true blessing is Jesus Himself and not the things that He can give us or do for us. We’ve confused the things that He can give to us as the blessing instead of seeing Him as the true blessing. We’ve forgotten that the greatest gift He could ever give us is Himself. Continue reading “Jesus, The True Blessing”

Victorious Living

Victory is defined as the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist; achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties; a win over an opponent or over difficult problems. There’s no doubt that God has called us to live victoriously. He has called us to be victorious over Satan our enemy, over sin, over our own flesh, and victorious in life overall. But if you look at the state of many in the church, you would think that it’s normal to fall into the same sins over and over for years, to have one foot in God and the other foot in the world, to be double-minded, to proclaim Christ but never really grow to look like Him, and to constantly feel defeated by the enemy. Continue reading “Victorious Living”